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وصف المشروع

Building homes for the poor and orphans On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The one who strives for the widow and the needy, is like the one who strives in the way of God, or the one who sustains and cares for God Almighty.” The association is based on this project in order to provide a safe shelter for orphans and the poor to protect them from the harshness of life inside tents or dilapidated mud houses by building or renovating orphan homes and preparing them for housing.

تقارير المشروع

نؤمن في جمعية بصائر الخيرية بأهمية التواصل الفعال، ونتطلع إلى مشاركتكم وتفاعلكم