
هدى : كفالة دعاة

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Huda Project Sponsorship of preachers in multiple countries It is no secret to anyone that the greater the reward for charity, the greater its benefit, and among the charity that is beneficial to the transgressor is the sponsorship of imams and preachers. The sponsor may combine the two good deeds and reconcile the two virtues, the first: providing what Muslims and non-Muslims need from preachers and imams so that they teach the ignorant and guide the misguided, and the second good is to ensure the families of these preachers who were so deficient in need that it made them abandon the call and turn away from the Imamate in order to provide a livelihood for their families. Among the duties of the preacher are: leading the Friday sermon, giving lessons, lectures, memorizing the Noble Qur’an, inviting non-Muslims to Islam, in addition to other advocacy and social efforts such as reconciliation between disputants. • How to sponsor preachers: Contribute to the project in any amount • Request a special link to sponsor the caller in the name of the donor for a year, at a value of 300 dinars • Or through a bank deduction of 25 dinars per month • The number of preachers required to be guaranteed is 20 for a whole year

تقارير المشروع

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